National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange Mobility International USA
www.miusa.orgDisability Community Seminar: Accessing the World through International Exchange New York May 1, 2009
People from the U.S. disability and Deaf community are invited for this one-day seminar and luncheon in New York City as we discuss the ‘Who, What, Where and Why’ of international exchange, including overseas cultural, educational, professional and volunteer programs, for U.S. students, teachers, professionals and others with disabilities.
* Presenters with disabilities will share personal international exchange stories and talk about accommodation strategies for navigating abroad, what to bring, what to expect and more.
Participants will receive practical tools and resources on using VR and keeping SSI benefits, while also learning about scholarships available for international exchange.
* Representatives of international exchange organizations will present about programs to apply to, such as Fulbright fellowships, and best inclusive practices in the international exchange field.
When: Friday, May 1, 2009, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Where:Institute of International Education (IIE) 809 United Nations Plaza 12th Floor Conference Center New York, NY
Cost: $40(includes lunch).
Scholarship for a reduced rate is available byrequest.Wheelchair Accessible. Sign language interpreter, alternative formats andother disability-related accommodations provided upon request.
For More Information and Registration, go to: or contact MIUSA at:Email: Tel/TTY: (541) 343-1284
This event is co-sponsored by Mobility International USA, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State and theInstitute of International Education.Registration deadline: April 17, 2009 - Space limited to 50 participants, so register early! The National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange provides freeinformation and referral services related to the participation of peoplewith disabilities in international exchange programs. The Clearinghouse issponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S.Department of State, and is managed by Mobility International USA, which is celebrating its 28th year as a U.S.-based non-profit organization.
Our mailing address is:
Mobility International USA
132 E. Broadway, Suite 343
Eugene, Oregon 97401 USA
Our telephone/tty:541-343-1284