So this month I continued my walk/roll spirit and signed up to participate in the NStar Walk for Children’s Hospital which took place at the DCR Hatch Shell in Boston. It was a little difficult to find a partner because this is the time when so many other walks are happening and many people had signed up for other walks, which was great as well—so I decided to do the walk and represent Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts myself and show my support to Children’s Hospital. It was nice though that my dad decided to join me in time for the actual walk.
There were two in-person distance options- 2 miles or 7 miles and a virtual option for anyone who could not be at the actual event. So I decided to do the 2-mile option, mainly because I wasn’t sure my chair would support a 7 mile walk. So our start time was 12pm from the Hatch Shell, as opposed to the 7-mile walkers who started at 11am. For the event, it was required to fundraise a minimum of $150.00 to participate, which I ended up making it. I decided to spread the word on Facebook on my page as well as the Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts page, and Ms.Wheelchair America 2011 page to get the word out quickly. And quickly the word spread, as I made $55 in less than 24 hours time since I posted the link to my page! The money started rollin’ in! It was quite a bit of money and I wanted to see how much I could raise before I asked my dad for any money. He was very supportive of the cause because they really have done a lot for me and my family over the years, and we are grateful for all of it!
On the day of the Walk, I decided to go to the Cambridge Galleria which was the closest location with an address that the Ride would drop off, so it made sense to meet there and take their shuttle bus, which was free. The weather report for that day was not the best for a walk, as it was supposed to thunderstorm, but it was a rain or shine deal with the NStar Walk…so I was there to support my Hospital and participate! As it was, the rain held off. We were asked to be there 30-45 minutes early to register, get our shirts and bibs and enjoy the pre-walk activities. Everyone there was really nice and it was great to see so many people out there supporting Children’s Hospital Boston! I even got to see a former doctor of mine who took care of me when I was inpatient a few years back. Overall it was a very enjoyable day and I’m glad I got to be a part of it and help them help the thousands of children who come to the hospital every year.
I came across a man who was taking pictures for the Boston Herald, so I may end up making a debut in the paper! Also, I found it cool that I was not the only person with a crown and sash, as there was a whole team full of ladies with crowns and sashes. Also another person with a crown wanted to take her picture with me which was really sweet. I also got some good pictures at different landmarks on the route. The entertainment was awesome as there was a band and a couple of doctors who dressed up as clowns and some characters who posed with the kids who were there. It was of course great to see so many other kids in wheelchairs there for it.
The journey home was a little on the adventurous side as we had decided to venture off to a nearby Au Bon Pain…and ventured away from the shuttle buses that brought us to the Hatch Shell. So we had no way back to Cambridge where the Ride was going to pick me up. Luckily we were near the Red Line MGH Station and so we were able to take the train home, and my dad ventured back for the car…oops! Oh well…all’s well that ends well?
It was important for me to be able to do this walk. I’ve grown up going to that Hospital and they have done so much for me and still continue to do so, as well as for thousands of other children each and every day, year after year. This was my way of finally being able to give back to all of the amazing people at a wonderful healthcare facility, as well as meet other families who also look up to Children’s Hospital Boston and their staff. I know I would not be doing as well as I am today had it not been for the doctors, nurses and everyone I’ve met at Children’s Hospital Boston. I was very proud to wear my MWMA 2010 crown and sash and come out and support everyone who was involved with this amazing event.
So this ends another wonderful month of Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts 2010 events. Next month I am looking forward to another big event, the 20th Anniversary of the ADA Celebration which will be held on Boston Common on July 26th, 2010 from 12-3pm. Can’t wait! Hope to see everyone there! (55 days until Nationals! Who’s excited?! Who’s ready? )