This month I attended another great event, the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act of 1990, which was held on Boston Common on July 26, 2010 from 12-3pm. This event was sponsored by many different disability advocacy groups including Disability Policy Consortium (DPC), the Spina Bifida Association of Massachusetts (SBAMass), Boston Center for Independent Living and of course the Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts Foundation. This was an important day in disability civil rights history because the passing of this important piece of legislation was the beginning of more civil rights for all people with disabilities, thus more opportunities for us in the community, with school and employment. It was the beginning of access to an otherwise inaccessible world.
The Hosts for this event include the Boston Center for Independent Living, the City of Boston, and Disability Policy Consortium, the Institute for Human Centered Design and the New England ADA Center, and the Statewide Independent Living Council. Live entertainment included comedian Jonathan Katz, the Matt Savage Trio, the Tommy Filiault Band, and speaker John Hockenberry. There was a short march that left Boston Common heading down Tremont Street to kick off the day that left from the corner of Tremont and Boylston at 11:15am that day. To get there I took the commuter rail to South Station and then took the Red Line down to Park Street, which was a bit confusing even though I have been there lots of times already, but I got there eventually.
There were many board members from the Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts Foundation present that day and we had a table to showcase the Foundation and what it is all about. Of course as Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts 2010, I was there ready to enjoy the day and the events. I even got to sign pictures at the table and take pictures, which was really exciting! I had gotten a chance to catch up with a former professor of mine from Bridgewater State University who works for the ADA New England. I had taken a class with her on Disability Issues and that was when I got the chance to do a video about life with a disability and how I negotiated accommodations and an independent life as a college student, as an example to other people with disabilities who might be wondering how it’s all done and looking for advice or support.
It was great to see so many people with disabilities and supporters of people with disabilities at this great event that day. The main idea or “slogan” of my platform is: “Yes We ALL Can!!” meaning that people with and without disabilities can participate in the same activities and be just as successful and happy. It is at events such as this where we really get to show everyone just how true this really is. It really was a great day with great people, including others from the Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts Foundation and a day to remember for sure.
So this ends another month for Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts 2010. I am excited because Nationals is only about a week or so away and my family will be there to cheer me on. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone, making some new friends and having a lot of fun! Also, looking forward to exploring a new state and my first official plane trip with my electric wheelchair. The countdown is down to seven days!! Michigan-here we come!