5K for the MDA!!
This month I participated in the MDA Muscle Walk 2011 to help the Muscular Dystrophy Association raise funds and awareness about Muscular Dystrophy as well as other disabilities. In order to participate, I fundraised $100 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. This event was held at the Natick Collection in Natick, MA. Upon arrival we met the event coordinators, got our t-shirts and were asked to sign waivers in order to participate in the Walk. Then we got to mingle and see everything, have snacks and also got the opportunity to enter the raffle which had many different prizes including gift cards to UNO’s, Margarita’s and the Natick Mall.
The Walk itself, which was a 5K (a longer distance than I had previously imagined, especially since I was in my manual wheelchair…) was held indoors (thank goodness! :) ). Before it was time to start the Walk there was a yoga instructor who came to demonstrate a brief exercise in breathing and stretching in order to prepare us for our trek around the mall. The emcee was really nice and the music was really fun and included songs like YMCA, Shout and the Chicken Dance. He took a few minutes to talk to me about my being Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts and the upcoming pageant which he mentioned during the day and asked if I would answer questions for people about the event, which of course I was happy to do!
The leader of our Walk was a local firefighter who was dressed up in a Scottish outfit and playing bagpipes. There were people of all ages at the walk including children, teens, young adults and older adults. So once we got the signal, off we went three times around the first floor of this big mall. After the Walk, we had the opportunity to get team photos taken, and then the top fundraisers were given awards. Finally, the raffle numbers were announced and the winners were given their prizes. Unfortunately, somehow I misplaced my tickets sometime in between getting them and the numbers being announced, so I didn’t win any of the prizes I signed up for which were mostly the restaurant offers. At the end of the morning, I took the opportunity to relax and chat with friends and other people who were also at the event. There were many photos taken of the participants during the Walk and I was given one of them to keep too.
So ends another month as Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts 2010. Overall, this was another good event where I got to make a difference and help others through my efforts. With each walk I have participated in, there has also been the responsibility of fundraising at least $100 and each time I try to learn something that I didn’t know the last time about fundraising tips, what works and what does not work. One thing has been the same about all of these events though—fundraising takes a lot of patience and energy! I am happy to have been able to participate though and meet new people along the way. Finally, I was thankful for the opportunity to tell more people about the Ms.Wheelchair Massachusetts Foundation and the upcoming pageant.