So, it's been about two months now since the Ms Wheelchair Massachusetts 2011 Pageant. It has been a crazy two months but I now get to tell you about one of the most important days of my life this far!!!
Pageant prep started first thing in the morning with Mom and Pam (my PCA). Mom got there first and we started right away with hair and make-up. I knew mom would do my hair perfectly and I am still learning about make-up so she was a big help!I have to say, getting all done up with mom is my favorite part of the day even still!
Pam arrives and outfit selection is finalized. Now we are on our way to the Pageant with just a quick pit-stop at DnD's for coffee.
The event then kicked off with check-in and set up. This wasn't hard for me seeing as I know alot of the behind the scenes stuff from being involved previous years in one way or another.
I quickly found my table and set up my display. I felt kind of bad setting it up and leaving it to mingle but that feeling didn't last long. Conversation I was having with the crowd quickly turned from "tell my more about you" to "whose that girl over there showing off your board" I was relieved and so proud!!
I had invited my mentee from PYD's Mentor Match Program. I figured she would love it but I would have never guessed she would have so ready to promote me!!!I was loving it to say the least!Mingling also gave me a chance to meet some of the wonderful vendors we had that I didn't already know. We had many great vendors this year!
Things were not all fun and games though!There were private interviews for each contestant with a panel of three judges. Personally this scared me the most. Don't ask me why, smaller crowds just always did. Too intimate I guess! I was in luck though, we also had an interview session infront of everyone in attendance that day. Both sessions were nerve-wrecking because you never know what the judges will come up with so you can only be so prepared!
Then lastly (this was before being crowned of course!) and the most important part! The platform speeches! Even without a win I have been waiting for these two minutes for my entire 30 years of life!In these two minutes I get to tell my audience who I am (as a person NOT a wheelchair), about the things I have done and most importantly of course what I hope to do as Ms Wheelchair Massachusetts 2011.Giving that speech was a dream come true!
Now the moment has come!They are about to call the runner-up! It had been just me and one other contestant for the whole pageant so I know this will be quick. My mind was racing with a million things all at once!There could have been ten different girls up there with meand I wouldn't have been half as nervous as I was competing along side this one girl! We had met a few years ago when I first became involved with Ms W/C Mass. She is smart, passionate and has done so much that would qualify her for this and she had run before!As involved as i have been in the past this was my first time running.
So you can imagine my shock when they call her as the runner-up! After that things seemed to be in slow motion. They called my name then and there was a sudden rush of commotion all around me. The sash is pinned on me, the crown is placed on my head and flowers are laid in my arms. Hugs and kisses are coming from everywhere. I see the flashes of a camera I never knew was there all day come from somewhere behind the crowd
Lastly I gave my thank you speech. This is not something I wanted to overly prepare for fear it would jinx me.On the spot I feel is more heart felt anyways.
I rode home with Pam who had gone through the entire day and all the prep with me. We drove into my neighborhood and I noticed everyone looking at me. After 30 years as a disabled person I am used to people looking at me but this was different. People normally looked away when I caught them staring. Some even pointed!I just hope they went home and googled it!
In closing I would just like to thank everyone that was and is a support to me. Everyone that listened to my speech a million times. Everyone that were part of a memory that built my board. Everyone that was there in person or spirit. I thank all of you so much!!!
Well that is all I have for now. I hope you stay tuned!I have alot to fill you in on about the past two months and just when you think we are all caught up, I will have new things to share!