Friday, January 11, 2013

The Ms. Wheelchair Massachusetts Foundation is pleased to announce that we are accepting nominations for their first annual Little Miss Wheelchair Crowning Ceremony. Applications are due no later than February 4th 2013. To receive an application, email me at

1. The child must be between the ages of 5 and 12.

2. She must utilize her wheelchair for 100% of daily mobility.

3. She must have resided in Massachusetts in the six months prior to the competition.

4. She must be able to make a minimum of 6 appearances during her one year term.

5. All nominees will be required to attend a lunch with the current titleholder along with a member of the MWMA board. It will not be a formal judging session but a chance to see how the little girls present and interact in a public setting. After the lunch the titleholder and board member will pick the winner privately and the winner and guardian will be contacted and invited to the crowning ceremony where she will receive her crown.