Sunday, December 15, 2013

Daddy's Little Girl

       My Father has always been a major support in my life. He is the person who gives me the most strength. Ever since I was a young girl, he was at every surgery, every therapy, doctor's appointments, IEP meetings and everything in between.  My dad may not have always agreed with the amount of independence my mom gave me at a young age, but he has always been the one to push me to have an independent and successful life. My father who worked tirelessly to make sure that I never wanted for anything and that I always had what I needed. My dad is super proud of the fact that I am Ms. Wheelchair Mass. because he feels like I am putting action into the morals and values that he taught me surrounding my disability. I have always been his little girl and I always will be no matter how old I am. One of the things that I valued most about my dad is that he has been so supportive in my Ms. Wheelchair Mass. journey.  He has driven to the far away events. He has made sure that I have had everything that I needed for Nationals and beyond, so it was really important to me that I make Father's Day, during my reigning year special. My father chose for me to take him to one of his favorite restaurants, The Wicked Good Cafe in Lincoln, Rhode Island. During that time, we laughed, we talked and we were simply father and daughter. I love you, Dad and thanks for everything.  Until next time, Advocate, Educate, and Empower.