Monday, November 23, 2009

Defend the PCA program

Defend the PCA program!

As many as 1,700 people are targeted to be cut from the PCA program. These medically-necessary services will be eliminated for people receiving less than 15 hours of services a month. People will lose assistance with bathing, dressing, and toileting. These are people with back injuries, diabetes, cancer, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, progressive diseases.

Speak out against PCA cuts!
Thursday, December 10, 12:00 noon
Governor Patrick’s Office, State House

Event sponsors include MWCIL, Stavros, Disability Policy Consortium, and ILCNSCA. Contact Boston Center for Independent Living at 617-338-6665, to sign on.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Join the fight for the rights of people with disabilities in Massachusetts – join the DPC today for FREE at

The Disability Policy Consortium (DPC) is the only non-profit, statewide, cross-disability organization that actively engages the lawmakers and policy-makers in the Massachusetts government to fight for people with disabilities. We are one of the best-kept secrets in the world of people with disabilities-working for our civil rights, dignity, equality, welfare, and freedom from discrimination.
Please add your voice to our efforts to impact state and local government. With your help, we can do more.
Please join today for FREE by visiting
All of our efforts go into promoting inclusion, independence, and empowerment by guiding policies that ensure programs and services enable people with disabilities to participate in the political, economic, and social mainstream of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
All members will have access to:
• Legislative Advocacy Training - Understand how bills become laws and how you can influence public policy decisions that affect you.
• Lobbying Leadership - Learn new skills for communicating, sharing, and advocating for yourself and others.
• Legislative Alert Service (email and by phone) - Receive vital up-to-date information regarding legislative and budget issues.
• Information on Issues of Importance - Receive information on relevant topics such as healthcare reform, accessibility issues, emergency planning, long terms supports and Medicaid.
People may join—FREE—online at (click join DPCMA). Together, we can make a difference!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ms Wheelchair Massachusetts 2010 Schedule of Events

Please Join us for the Ms. Wheelchair Massachusetts Crowning Gala and disAbility Expo on Sunday November 15th 2009 from 10:30 - 4:30
at Carson Place in the Bayside Expo Center Complex, 180 Mt. Vernon Street Boston , MA 02125
disAbility Expo from 10:30 am - 3:oo pm will feature
Invacare Corp
TiLite Wheelchairs
Rehab Marketing
Pride Mobility Products
Permobil Inc

Mariposa Press
Kathleen Johnson

Wheelchair Recycler
Partners for Youth with Disabilities
Disability Policy Consortium
at 1pm we will have a very special presentation "Women of Strength" by Ms. Wheelchair Massachusetts 2007, Ms. Wheelchair America 2008 Kristen McCosh

Crowning Gala
3:30 p.m.– 4:30 p.m.
Each contestant will present a 2 minute platform speech.
Following the speeches the contestants will have a brief on stage interview with the judges.
While the judges confer, Ms. Wheelchair Massachusetts 2009 will give her final speech.
The runners-up will be named and the new titleholder crowned.
Crowning will be followed by desserts for the contestants, attendants, judges and guests.