Monday, July 30, 2012

The Ms. Wheelchair America Pageant begins one week from today. I have been busy preparing for this and getting very excited. 

This past Wednesday, July 25, I joined the folks at the Spaulding Riders Club. They ride adapted cycles peddling either by hand or by foot along the Cape Cod Canal which is a beautiful 7 mile bicycle path. Riders ride for as long or short as they wish. There are people there to assist them and to be the with them along the way in case they need assistance. I took pictures with a couple of the members there and walked down the path for a little bit.

Thursday, July 26 was the 22nd anniversary of the Americans with Disability Act being officially signed into law. There were celebrations throughout our nation. I attended the city of Boston's celebration at Boston City Hall Plaza. I met the former Ms. wheelchair America 2008, Kristen McCosh, who is the Commissioner of Persons with Disabilities  in Boston. She and her board members have done so much to make the city of Boston more accessible. Mayor Thomas Menino made a very sincere speech. I especially liked hearing him say, "we want to send the message loud and clear: all people are welcome in the city of Boston, especially people with disabilities." You can see highlights of the celebration and his speech by clicking this link: I was also fortunate to meet him and get a picture with him.

One of the members of the Boston Commission of Persons with Disabilities who has been such a great advocate is John Kelly. Mayor Menino made a proclamation that from now on July 26 will be known as John B Kelly Day. There was also a ribbon-cutting for the new accessible path on City Hall Plaza.

You can see more photos of both of these events on my Facebook fan page:

You can also be informed of updates and information on the Ms. Wheelchair America Pageant by clicking

For those involved with pageant week I am very appreciative of your hard work. The best advice I can give you is what I'm trying to do myself, and that is BREATHE!