Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wheelchair Willie Take 2

So Wheelchair Willie made his second appearance of the week.  This time at West Bridgewater Public Library, West Bridgewater, Mass.  For ten o'clock in the morning the children were very energetic.  Each one of them wanted to hear what I had to say, which is very refreshing.  One thing that was special about this group of children was that the book sparked questions and the children were not afraid to ask them.  I got questions like: "can you feel your legs, do you have pain in your legs, do kids treat you different, and my favorite of the hour, do you get to wear a gown as Ms. Wheelchair Massachusetts". Suddenly I was having flashbacks to onstage questioning by the judges at Ms. Wheelchair Massachusetts.  I had to be on the ball with my answers because I had some very stiff judges, between the ages of two and seven.  Moving on to everybody's favorite part, the craft.  Again the children made individualized wheelchairs to their liking.  My particular favorite was one little boy's spy wheelchair complete with night vision goggles and a vending machine filled with chips and salsa.  Come to think of it that would have been a million dollar answer on pageant day.  This same particular boy has decided to have a career in movie making and after my visit he decided that he would create a wheelchair using super hero for his movies.  I give this kiddo 5 stars for imagination and creativity.  It is little anecdotes that remind you why it is so much fun to be a title holder.  It is moments like this throughout the year that one never forgets.  
           Pictured above with me is  Miss Nanette, who is the head children's librarian at West Bridgewater Library.  She is perhaps one of the most animated and genuine people that I have met on my journey thus far.  She helped me so much today to get my message across to the children in a fun and understandable manner.  They say that you meet people along your way as a title holder that renew your faith in people wanting to understand and hear your platform.  For me thus far it has been Miss Nanette.  I know even after my reign is over I will go back and experience these great kids again.  So Miss Nanette a thousand thank yous to you.

Until next time, "Advocate, Educate, and Empower".