Sunday, December 15, 2013

Clinical Therapy and Me

     For those of you who don't know, I have a Masters of Clinical Therapy in Social Work. I graduated from Simmons College in 2006. One of my passions since is having people understand how mental health affects physical disabilities. I took the opportunity on May 14th to tour the Plymouth V.A. Medical Clinical.  This was special to me on a lot of levels. One of the things that they do is they specialize in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, so for me to be able to be an advocate for people that have mental health disabilities as well a physical disabilities is a really big bonus, as far as I am concerned.  On a personal level, my first boyfriend fought in Operation Iraqi Freedom and he came back with PTSD from what he saw in battle. He was never quite the same. So, this gives new meaning to making your reign and your platform your own because I do not think if this individual didn't touch my life in the way that he did, I would not have such an appreciation for the need of mental health advocacy. Until next time, Advocate, Educate, and Empower.