Sunday, December 15, 2013

My Playground Quest Continues...

     Some times, when you are a title holder, your platform speaks to you and develops a mind of its own and you as the title holder just go with where the advocacy takes you.  I did not think that I would be this invested in adapting playgrounds, but I realized how important this is for a school aged peer to be able to keep up with and enjoy recess with his or her abled bodied friends.  So, my next stop was Bryantville playground on June 25th.  I was impressed with some of their equipment, especially their funnel ball game because they did have two sizes, one a higher size for older kids and a smaller one for younger kids, but what they do not probably realize is that the smaller version is excellent for wheelchair using students because it gives them exercise, as well as connecting with their peers. So all in all, I hope to see more of this style of equipment in more playgrounds.  Until next time, Advocate, Educate, and Empower.