Sunday, December 15, 2013

Fun At the Fair.....

     On June 30th, which happens to be my birthday, I got to enjoy all the activities at the Pembroke Family Fun Fair.  There was face painting, and live music and so much more.  However, the highlight of the day for me was the petting zoo. I might be thirty one years old, but I'm still just a kid at heart and I am a sucker for baby animals.  In fact, one of my birthday requests was to go to the petting zoo, as odd as that sounds for how old I am. So, in reality, Ms. Wheelchair Mass. gave me my birthday wish because I got to cuddle and love on some very cute animals. It was also good for the little kids to see me interact with animals, knowing that I could care for them and hold them and be capable of showing a loving bond, despite having a disability. My philosophy is to show by example and that is what I got to do that day.  Until next time, Advocate, Educate, and Empower.