Sunday, December 15, 2013

Like Me, But Different

      The Martha Jones School in Westwood, Mass. has a disability awareness program called, Like Me, But Different.  I had the opportunity to speak to the second grade students on May 29th.  The purpose of this program, unlike many other disability programs, is to show that my life is particularly normal. I explained that despite having Cerebral Palsy, I have a learner's permit to drive, I own a business, I went to college, I know how to swim and other basic life skills that these kids could relate to.  One of the most touching parts of the program to me was that there was a little girl who had a hearing impairment, who after the program was over, decided to tell me that her goal was to go to college like I did. It is these little things that make the Ms. Wheelchair Program worth it.  Until next time, Advocate, Educate, and Empower.